Modal goal - Strad average
Balance is the key in aim to reproduce The Strad Sound. Average measures from "Stradivari's golden period" are from published articles. The selection of data is small and varies some depending on which articles you look at. This is my modal goal and plate weights, when measuring at ~6 % EMC in the wood. In Scandinavian countries B1 modes varies +/- 20 Hz between winter/summer.
Plates in assembled varnished violin
weight 65 g
M5 350 Hz
weight 95 g
M5 350 Hz
Strad average
(usually calculated from CT scan)
weight ~62-64 g
weight ~90-95 g
Assembled violin - Key modes under 600 Hz, with chin rest [without]
A0 270 Hz
A1 456 Hz
C2 395 Hz [405]
B1- 445 Hz [455]
B1+ 536 Hz [540]
Strad average
(by impact hammer and impulse at the bridge )
A0 272 Hz
A1 460 Hz
C2 412 Hz
B1- 445 Hz
B1+ 536 Hz
Note; Old Cremonse violins have lost matter and many have very little of the original varnish left