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Peter Grankulla - Soloist Violins
Peter Grankulla - Soloist Violins
Stradivari Forma By Addie
Modal goal - Strad average
Adjustment to B1+
Advanced mode tunig
Analyzing & Measuring wood with a friend
Attaching the neck
Back arching & tuning
Back glued to the rib garland
Back graduation & tuning
Back in workshop after a looong pause
Back initial tuning
Back plate joined
Back ready
Back to the Soil project
Back tuned 100 g
Back wood
Baked 2 h 45 min
Baking 2004 wood for The Soil project
Baking soda
Baking wood for my next project
Baking wood for my next project
Baking wood for The Soil #4
Baking wood for The Soil 2015
Bass bar glued
Blackmachine B2 guitar
Boxwood setup parts
Carving the Pegbox
Changing the look of boxwood setup items
Channel done
Checking frequencies of LK's two tops and backs
Checking modes and choosing finger board
Checking the modes on Extrados
Checkpoint back plate
Choosing Top wood
Cleaning up and analyzing modes
Closing the soundbox
Colored varnish two layers
Comparing violins with my friend
Continued work on back plate
Continuing The Soil #2
Continuing tuning Extrados
Cooking varnish
Cooking varnish today
Correcting two violins
Coupling frequencies
Coupling frequency 294 Hz
Coupling frequency Back/rib garland
Designing corners
Done varnishing
Edge work
Edge work
Exchanging experiences with LK
Exploring modes and arching
Extrados tuned
Extrados tuning as it should be
Final check before starting varnishing
Final stage tuning Extrados
Finally some time to continue
Fine tuning back plate and cleaning up
Fingerboard & nut
Fingerboard acoustics
Finishing purfling work
Finishing the scroll
Finnish Top Tone Wood
First impression of March 2014
Glue size time inside, before closing soundbox
Gluing the cap on the guitar
Gluing the top halves back together
Ground testing
Grounding layers
Grounding with Casein & Lime
Heat treated wood EMC
I have finally reproduced the Cremonese sound!
I need more time
Inspirations from Amsterdam
Investigating an old fiddle
Just another Soil
Linings glued
Making a new mold - Stradivari G forma
Making a new top
Making ribs
Modes at this stage
Moving on with the varnishing process
Neck & Fingerboard
Neck & Nut
Neck set, edge work etc..
Need a humidifier
Next project
Nodal lines M5/M0
Opening top joint
Panic before Christmas
Pegbox work
Photos of The Soil started 2014
Planing ribs
Plates joined and cut out
Playing experience
Playing experience
Progress today
Progressing with the neck
Purfling done
Purfling groove
Purfling work
Purfling work done
Purfling work outside
Quick check modes on Violin March 2014
Re making of violin 2010 done
Re tuning Violin 2014 Amsterdam
Re varnishing
Ready to close the soundbox
Reality check
Replacing poor fingerboard
Retuning and revarnishing violin made 2010
Rib garland
Ribs & Linings
Ribs & Linings
Ribs and linings
Ribs done
Ribs done Starting with back plate
Ribs off the forma
Ribs with a Japanese saw
Routing & cleaning up
Rubbed joint top & planing
Saddle and nut
Scroll & Neck
Scroll done
Scroll finished started back plate
Scroll ready
Setting the neck
Setting the neck on Violin March 2014
Setup time
Side view and rough edge work
Some progress
Some progress with the back plate
Some routing work on the Blackmachine guitar
Sound box & Edge work
Soundbox closed
Soundbox closed
Started making the neck
Started making the top plate
Started the back arching
Started varnishing the guitar body
Starting The Soil project
Starting varnishing process
Stressing the backplate
Successful gluing
Successful tuning of back
Testing varnish made 24.07.2016
Tests for varnish plan
The Soil #1 is tuned and ready for setup
The Soil top 70 g
Three musketeers (Soils)
Today's bargain
Tonal & playability copy
Tonal copy
Tone wood -95 "Soil" project
Tone wood back 2010 "Soil" project
Top - Amazing plane, Great wood
Top in tune
Top initial graduation 340 Hz
Top initial tuning
Top initially optimized 73 g
Top plate Intrados tuning
Top quick progress
Top tuned 71 g
Top will be alright
Top with bass bar 72 g
Top wood useless
Top/bass bar initially tuned
Tuning Extrados of back plate
Tuning Extrados of back plate
Tuning fingerboard
Tuning issues
Tuning the bridge
Tuning the finger board
Update on Wolf notes
UV tanning Soil #3
Various photos of progress
Varnish cooking 13.7.2014
Varnish cooking 15.07.2017
Varnish cooking time
Varnish cooking time
Varnish test
Varnishing progress
Varnishing Violin March 2014
Violin - Stockholm
Violin - Stockholm
Violin - Stockholm after correction
Violin - Stockholm ready
Violin in solarium
Violin March 2014
Soundbox & Finishing
Willow Blocks & Linings
Wolf note at C natural
Wood baking & measuring
Research - Violin acoustics
Heat treatment of wood
Humidity and Modes
Soundpost adjustment for fine tuning B1 modes & wolf elimination
The Sound Of Stradivari - Patrick KREIT
Wolf tone at C (B1+)
Suomen Viulunrakentajat
Competition - Finnish Violin Day 2016
Test page
The Sound
Favorite recordings
Interesting Tubes
Varnish cooking 29.07.2015
Varnish Ground (Maple)
Varnish recipe 10.08.2020
Varnish recipe 13.06.2021
Varnish recipe 16.06.2018
Varnish recipe 24.07.2016
Varnishing March 2014 Album
Peter Grankulla - Soloist Violins
Peter Grankulla - Soloist Violins
Stradivari Forma By Addie
Modal goal - Strad average
Adjustment to B1+
Advanced mode tunig
Analyzing & Measuring wood with a friend
Attaching the neck
Back arching & tuning
Back glued to the rib garland
Back graduation & tuning
Back in workshop after a looong pause
Back initial tuning
Back plate joined
Back ready
Back to the Soil project
Back tuned 100 g
Back wood
Baked 2 h 45 min
Baking 2004 wood for The Soil project
Baking soda
Baking wood for my next project
Baking wood for my next project
Baking wood for The Soil #4
Baking wood for The Soil 2015
Bass bar glued
Blackmachine B2 guitar
Boxwood setup parts
Carving the Pegbox
Changing the look of boxwood setup items
Channel done
Checking frequencies of LK's two tops and backs
Checking modes and choosing finger board
Checking the modes on Extrados
Checkpoint back plate
Choosing Top wood
Cleaning up and analyzing modes
Closing the soundbox
Colored varnish two layers
Comparing violins with my friend
Continued work on back plate
Continuing The Soil #2
Continuing tuning Extrados
Cooking varnish
Cooking varnish today
Correcting two violins
Coupling frequencies
Coupling frequency 294 Hz
Coupling frequency Back/rib garland
Designing corners
Done varnishing
Edge work
Edge work
Exchanging experiences with LK
Exploring modes and arching
Extrados tuned
Extrados tuning as it should be
Final check before starting varnishing
Final stage tuning Extrados
Finally some time to continue
Fine tuning back plate and cleaning up
Fingerboard & nut
Fingerboard acoustics
Finishing purfling work
Finishing the scroll
Finnish Top Tone Wood
First impression of March 2014
Glue size time inside, before closing soundbox
Gluing the cap on the guitar
Gluing the top halves back together
Ground testing
Grounding layers
Grounding with Casein & Lime
Heat treated wood EMC
I have finally reproduced the Cremonese sound!
I need more time
Inspirations from Amsterdam
Investigating an old fiddle
Just another Soil
Linings glued
Making a new mold - Stradivari G forma
Making a new top
Making ribs
Modes at this stage
Moving on with the varnishing process
Neck & Fingerboard
Neck & Nut
Neck set, edge work etc..
Need a humidifier
Next project
Nodal lines M5/M0
Opening top joint
Panic before Christmas
Pegbox work
Photos of The Soil started 2014
Planing ribs
Plates joined and cut out
Playing experience
Playing experience
Progress today
Progressing with the neck
Purfling done
Purfling groove
Purfling work
Purfling work done
Purfling work outside
Quick check modes on Violin March 2014
Re making of violin 2010 done
Re tuning Violin 2014 Amsterdam
Re varnishing
Ready to close the soundbox
Reality check
Replacing poor fingerboard
Retuning and revarnishing violin made 2010
Rib garland
Ribs & Linings
Ribs & Linings
Ribs and linings
Ribs done
Ribs done Starting with back plate
Ribs off the forma
Ribs with a Japanese saw
Routing & cleaning up
Rubbed joint top & planing
Saddle and nut
Scroll & Neck
Scroll done
Scroll finished started back plate
Scroll ready
Setting the neck
Setting the neck on Violin March 2014
Setup time
Side view and rough edge work
Some progress
Some progress with the back plate
Some routing work on the Blackmachine guitar
Sound box & Edge work
Soundbox closed
Soundbox closed
Started making the neck
Started making the top plate
Started the back arching
Started varnishing the guitar body
Starting The Soil project
Starting varnishing process
Stressing the backplate
Successful gluing
Successful tuning of back
Testing varnish made 24.07.2016
Tests for varnish plan
The Soil #1 is tuned and ready for setup
The Soil top 70 g
Three musketeers (Soils)
Today's bargain
Tonal & playability copy
Tonal copy
Tone wood -95 "Soil" project
Tone wood back 2010 "Soil" project
Top - Amazing plane, Great wood
Top in tune
Top initial graduation 340 Hz
Top initial tuning
Top initially optimized 73 g
Top plate Intrados tuning
Top quick progress
Top tuned 71 g
Top will be alright
Top with bass bar 72 g
Top wood useless
Top/bass bar initially tuned
Tuning Extrados of back plate
Tuning Extrados of back plate
Tuning fingerboard
Tuning issues
Tuning the bridge
Tuning the finger board
Update on Wolf notes
UV tanning Soil #3
Various photos of progress
Varnish cooking 13.7.2014
Varnish cooking 15.07.2017
Varnish cooking time
Varnish cooking time
Varnish test
Varnishing progress
Varnishing Violin March 2014
Violin - Stockholm
Violin - Stockholm
Violin - Stockholm after correction
Violin - Stockholm ready
Violin in solarium
Violin March 2014
Soundbox & Finishing
Willow Blocks & Linings
Wolf note at C natural
Wood baking & measuring
Research - Violin acoustics
Heat treatment of wood
Humidity and Modes
Soundpost adjustment for fine tuning B1 modes & wolf elimination
The Sound Of Stradivari - Patrick KREIT
Wolf tone at C (B1+)
Suomen Viulunrakentajat
Competition - Finnish Violin Day 2016
Test page
The Sound
Favorite recordings
Interesting Tubes
Varnish cooking 29.07.2015
Varnish Ground (Maple)
Varnish recipe 10.08.2020
Varnish recipe 13.06.2021
Varnish recipe 16.06.2018
Varnish recipe 24.07.2016
Varnishing March 2014 Album
Peter Grankulla - Soloist Violins
Stradivari Forma By Addie
Modal goal - Strad average
Adjustment to B1+
Advanced mode tunig
Analyzing & Measuring wood with a friend
Attaching the neck
Back arching & tuning
Back glued to the rib garland
Back graduation & tuning
Back in workshop after a looong pause
Back initial tuning
Back plate joined
Back ready
Back to the Soil project
Back tuned 100 g
Back wood
Baked 2 h 45 min
Baking 2004 wood for The Soil project
Baking soda
Baking wood for my next project
Baking wood for my next project
Baking wood for The Soil #4
Baking wood for The Soil 2015
Bass bar glued
Blackmachine B2 guitar
Boxwood setup parts
Carving the Pegbox
Changing the look of boxwood setup items
Channel done
Checking frequencies of LK's two tops and backs
Checking modes and choosing finger board
Checking the modes on Extrados
Checkpoint back plate
Choosing Top wood
Cleaning up and analyzing modes
Closing the soundbox
Colored varnish two layers
Comparing violins with my friend
Continued work on back plate
Continuing The Soil #2
Continuing tuning Extrados
Cooking varnish
Cooking varnish today
Correcting two violins
Coupling frequencies
Coupling frequency 294 Hz
Coupling frequency Back/rib garland
Designing corners
Done varnishing
Edge work
Edge work
Exchanging experiences with LK
Exploring modes and arching
Extrados tuned
Extrados tuning as it should be
Final check before starting varnishing
Final stage tuning Extrados
Finally some time to continue
Fine tuning back plate and cleaning up
Fingerboard & nut
Fingerboard acoustics
Finishing purfling work
Finishing the scroll
Finnish Top Tone Wood
First impression of March 2014
Glue size time inside, before closing soundbox
Gluing the cap on the guitar
Gluing the top halves back together
Ground testing
Grounding layers
Grounding with Casein & Lime
Heat treated wood EMC
I have finally reproduced the Cremonese sound!
I need more time
Inspirations from Amsterdam
Investigating an old fiddle
Just another Soil
Linings glued
Making a new mold - Stradivari G forma
Making a new top
Making ribs
Modes at this stage
Moving on with the varnishing process
Neck & Fingerboard
Neck & Nut
Neck set, edge work etc..
Need a humidifier
Next project
Nodal lines M5/M0
Opening top joint
Panic before Christmas
Pegbox work
Photos of The Soil started 2014
Planing ribs
Plates joined and cut out
Playing experience
Playing experience
Progress today
Progressing with the neck
Purfling done
Purfling groove
Purfling work
Purfling work done
Purfling work outside
Quick check modes on Violin March 2014
Re making of violin 2010 done
Re tuning Violin 2014 Amsterdam
Re varnishing
Ready to close the soundbox
Reality check
Replacing poor fingerboard
Retuning and revarnishing violin made 2010
Rib garland
Ribs & Linings
Ribs & Linings
Ribs and linings
Ribs done
Ribs done Starting with back plate
Ribs off the forma
Ribs with a Japanese saw
Routing & cleaning up
Rubbed joint top & planing
Saddle and nut
Scroll & Neck
Scroll done
Scroll finished started back plate
Scroll ready
Setting the neck
Setting the neck on Violin March 2014
Setup time
Side view and rough edge work
Some progress
Some progress with the back plate
Some routing work on the Blackmachine guitar
Sound box & Edge work
Soundbox closed
Soundbox closed
Started making the neck
Started making the top plate
Started the back arching
Started varnishing the guitar body
Starting The Soil project
Starting varnishing process
Stressing the backplate
Successful gluing
Successful tuning of back
Testing varnish made 24.07.2016
Tests for varnish plan
The Soil #1 is tuned and ready for setup
The Soil top 70 g
Three musketeers (Soils)
Today's bargain
Tonal & playability copy
Tonal copy
Tone wood -95 "Soil" project
Tone wood back 2010 "Soil" project
Top - Amazing plane, Great wood
Top in tune
Top initial graduation 340 Hz
Top initial tuning
Top initially optimized 73 g
Top plate Intrados tuning
Top quick progress
Top tuned 71 g
Top will be alright
Top with bass bar 72 g
Top wood useless
Top/bass bar initially tuned
Tuning Extrados of back plate
Tuning Extrados of back plate
Tuning fingerboard
Tuning issues
Tuning the bridge
Tuning the finger board
Update on Wolf notes
UV tanning Soil #3
Various photos of progress
Varnish cooking 13.7.2014
Varnish cooking 15.07.2017
Varnish cooking time
Varnish cooking time
Varnish test
Varnishing progress
Varnishing Violin March 2014
Violin - Stockholm
Violin - Stockholm
Violin - Stockholm after correction
Violin - Stockholm ready
Violin in solarium
Violin March 2014
Soundbox & Finishing
Willow Blocks & Linings
Wolf note at C natural
Wood baking & measuring
Research - Violin acoustics
Heat treatment of wood
Humidity and Modes
Soundpost adjustment for fine tuning B1 modes & wolf elimination
The Sound Of Stradivari - Patrick KREIT
Wolf tone at C (B1+)
Suomen Viulunrakentajat
Competition - Finnish Violin Day 2016
Test page
The Sound
Favorite recordings
Interesting Tubes
Varnish cooking 29.07.2015
Varnish Ground (Maple)
Varnish recipe 10.08.2020
Varnish recipe 13.06.2021
Varnish recipe 16.06.2018
Varnish recipe 24.07.2016
Varnishing March 2014 Album
Started making the neck
Post date: Dec 16, 2014 6:57:46 PM
Great tool! It's slower but better than a band saw
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