Playing experience
Post date: Jan 31, 2015 8:54:34 PM
Today I have played the best violin so far, and it wasn't mine! It had all the qualities a soloist violin should have. The slightest touch with the bow produced the most wonderful mellow projecting sound. From fast bow speed to almost zero and it just worked with the perfect feeling of resistance from the strings. The sound completely filled the small workshop.
I'm happy for my friend and I'm glad I taught him Patrick Kreit's system. Now we can exchange experiences and make our region the next Cremona.
As thanks I got to choose wood for free for my next Soil project :)
LK made two violins weighing 432 g and 435 g with chin rest, both Strad sounding.
Guarneri model B1-/+ 447/533 Hz (The great one)
Stradivari model B1-/+ 430/518 Hz (Good, darker, mellow sounding)
Stringing up my #1 Soil tomorrow